Press Release: Outseer Launches Platformized Behavioral Biometrics Delivering Unmatched Defense in Depth

Mobile Channel Protection

Mobile transaction experiences made fraudless and friction-free

Put the brakes on imposters posing as your customers or your brand – without slowing down your business.

Keep your business in motion, securely

Fraudsters follow the money, and money has gone mobile. Today your customers use the mobile channel to check account balances, buy their morning coffee, place trades, stream movies, play games, and so much more, in fact, Outseer research indicates that 79% of digital transactions and interactions are originated in the mobile channel. Transaction volumes in this channel far exceed the old-school Internet, so it's not surprising fraudsters are migrating to the channel en masse. According to our own data, mobile fraud was 70% of online banking fraud in Q2 2022, and it's not slowing down.
Fraudsters impersonate your customers to make fraudulent transactions, trick users into downloading malware, and spoof your brand in malicious mobile apps. But Outseer has their number. Through data, science, and expertise, we help you deliver a secure, frictionless mobile experience to your customers. And our fraud intelligence and takedown service grounds imposters and rogue mobile apps fast. It's mobile like it was meant to be.

Enabled by

Outseer Fraud Manager™

Protects customers digital interactions with risk-based account monitoring decisions.

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Outseer FraudAction™

Comprehensive threat management service that continuously monitors the cybercrime landscape to protect your customers and your business.

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