
Outseer FraudAction Return on Investment

Cyberattacks on customers continue to rise and fraudsters have learned that scaling attacks on customers is easier and more profitable than attacking organizations directly. Industry reports indicate that 70% of customers rank security as their number one concern when choosing a bank or financial institution. Experiencing fraud is a direct cause of customer attrition and reduced NPS scores because of this high expectation of customer protection. It is important to consider all sources of cost when looking to understand the return on investment.

When looking at the ROI of a fraud solution, in addition to looking at net fraud losses and customer attrition when combatting fraud, it is imperative to look at other sources of cost to the businesses. Fraud can drive call center volume up as customers need to call customer service to unlock accounts, contest charges, replace compromised payment cards or simply communicate their frustration.

FraudAction products are in both the Digital Brand Protection Services (DBPS) and Cyberintelligence industries.

Download this whitepaper to read how the Outseer FraudAction Service provides significant Return on Investment with our comprehensive monitoring and takedown service that increases customer retention while reducing overall fraud losses, reducing customer service operational expenses by avoiding fraud victimization, and reducing costs associated with damaged brand reputation.

In this ROI whitepaper, you will learn:

  • The FraudAction difference and what makes this service unique
  • Differentiators for both FraudAction 360 and FruadAction Cyberintelligence feeds
  • What you should consider when thinking about the ROI of a solution
  • Use cases and success stories from current customers

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