AITE Report

The Aite-Novarica Group, sponsored by Outseer, has just released a new global research study, “Maximizing the Potential of CNP: Collaboration via 3-D Secure is the Key”.

According to the research, total global card-not-present (CNP) fraud losses will reach $17.2 billion by 2023*. At the same time, global eCommerce spending is expected to grow to $5.9T in the same period**. This research shows that as digital commerce and new payment models scale, 3-D Secure is an effective option to help balance managing risk while maintaining a seamless experience for customers.

Read the full study to gain in-depth insights into issuers’ and merchants’ attitudes toward and usage of 3-D Secure as an effective technology for fighting CNP fraud. Download the report to learn:

  • Why 100% of issuers interviewed and 69% of merchants surveyed globally, are currently using 3-D secure as a key technology to address CNP fraud***
  • How issuers and merchants are using 3-D Secure as a key tool to deliver seamless shopping experiences for their customers while protecting against CNP fraud
  • What merchants and issuers can do now to 3-D Secure to drive up payment authorization rates and maximize the potential for CNP digital commerce growth

Download your complimentary copy now to see how your business can achieve tangible business benefits from using 3-D Secure to protect the full spectrum of CNP transactions.


*Source: Aite-Novarica Group, Oct 2021
**Source: eMarketer, 2021
***Source: Aite-Novarica Group, Oct 2021


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