
Outseer 3-D Secure Return on Investment

In regulated markets such as the UK and the EU, implementing the 3-D Secure protocol and Strong Customer Authentication results in authorization rates of 90–96%. In unregulated markets, typically only high-risk transactions are routed through the 3DS rails, creating friction for consumers and resulting in lower authorization rates of 70–75%. These markets also tend to see increased fraud and reduced interchange revenue.

Despite the benefits of increased authorization rates and higher interchange revenues, implementing and using 3-D Secure can sometimes be viewed as a cost burden rather than a driver of profitability and security. It is in fact an excellent way to mitigate fraud, optimize authorization rates, and lower operation costs. Implementing the right solution in up to a 97% transaction success rate, which translates to tens of millions of dollars in savings annually.

Download this whitepaper to read how Outseer 3-D Secure provides unmatched results when it comes to fraud detection and authentication performance. See why our clients enjoy lower fraud losses, and thanks to lower false positive rates and alerts, also enjoy higher interchange income with lower operating costs. When compared to competitors, Outseer customer see superior results upwards of 8-figures, turning what is viewed as a regulatory cost into a profit driver.

In this ROI whitepaper, you will:

  • Understand the Outseer benefits and differentiators compared to other solutions
  • See the detailed performance results when compared head-to-head against another solution
  • Learn more about the customers and markets we serve

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