Press Release: Outseer Launches Platformized Behavioral Biometrics Delivering Unmatched Defense in Depth


Outseer Brand Guidelines

We’ve created some guidelines to help you use our brand and assets to their full potential.

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Seeing the Unseen

Our logo is the face of our company. It is iconic, confident, and positive. The logotype design was born from the idea of Seeing the Unseen, revealing fraud and opportunity within the world of financial transactions.

Our Logo

Our logo comes in color and two monocolor versions for white and black backgrounds. Where possible, the core color version must be used, however for single color print and applications the monocolor version can be used.

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Color palette

We want our brand to stand out from all of our competitors. To do this we have a strong and distinctive color palette. Our primary color palette consists of three core colors; Blue, Green and a gradation of the two. We also have some lighter tones that support the primary colors.

Outseer Gradient

RGB: 27.20.100 / 31.202.126


HEX: #1B1464
RGB: 27.20.100
PMS: 273 C


RGB: 31.202.126
PMS: 7479 C



Light Grey Tint

The Iris

The Iris is shorthand for Outseer. It stands for protection and focus. We don’t want to overuse it by putting it absolutely everywhere. It has definite uses and some built-in flexibility.



Two open-source typefaces to land every message. One for our headlines. Another for everything else.



A friendly font, with circular letterforms that compliment the circular forms of our logo.We use Poppins Semibold as our headline font, and for special treatments like pull-outs.



A friendly font, with similar characteristics in the letterforms. Roboto is more suited to body copy due to it being more condensed and therefore efficient with space.

System Font


When producing documents in Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, Excel and Emails we will replace Poppins and Roboto with our System Font – Arial.

Brand Anthem Video

A brief introduction to our purpose: Liberate the world from transactional fraud. Through science, data and expertise you can dial up both superior experiences and risk management. Fewer false positives, more happy customers, lower operational costs, no compromise.

Outseer gives you the confidence to know.